First Era (???-0)

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The First Era, can be characterized by the rise and expansion of numerous humanoid empires across all of Zuros. While the world was covered in countless nations and states most have been forgotten through time, with only the three who rose above being known to most sages. Those being the Kaston Empire, The Five Nations, and The Grand Imperium.

The Kaston Empire was founded and ruled by a twin brother and sister, and was able to conqueror all adjacent lands through the brother Godgrey’s mastery of the sword and Atula’s knowledge or magic.

The Four Nations was a confederation consisting of the four strongest elf nations. The Wood Elves, The Sea Elves, The Dark Elves, & The High Elves. These nations were mostly autonomous but did have a handful of overarching laws and a combined military force.

The Grand Imperium while the smallest and the least expansive was mostly a Dwarvish civilization, while any other race was welcome into The Grand Imperium the fact that most of their cities existed underground drove most other races away. Though later into its existence more evidence of Gnomes and Goblins being commonly throughout the empire rises up.

A couple decades after The Kaston Empire was formed Godgrey passed, followed by his Atula years later. Quickly after they passed the empire began crumble as the structure of Kaston’s government was weak and till this point was held together by the wills of the Kaston siblings. Two factions began to form one side of the nation wished to follow Godgrey’s image while the other wished to follow Atula’s. This resulted in Kaston Splitting into two separate nations East Kaston and West Kaston, with West Kaston following Atula and East following Godgrey.

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