Astrapí Character in Akadimía | World Anvil


Ancient Bronze Dragon

The ancient myths refer to the Astrapí as a embodyment of storms, lightning and earthquakes. Generally referred to in the masculine, the Bronze dragon is believed to reside in the Eastern side of Jotunheimen Range.  

Southern Younger Peoples

Humanité has associated the ancient mythos of Astrapí with Poseidon.  

Northern Younger Peoples

The Norjord and Rus peoples have associated the ancient mythos of Astrapí with Thor. Usually portrayed as a powerfully built man with a red beard and eyes filled with lightning, Thor is the strongest god of Asgard. Thor is the son of Odin and a female giant named Jord (“Earth”). Where Odin is complex and crafty, Thor is straightforward and physical. This makes him popular among the common people. Thor’s greatly enjoys facing giants in contests of strength and martial prowess. His nemesis is Jormungandr the World Serpent, whom he is destined to face at Ragnarok. Though married to Sif, Thor had two sons with a giant named Jarnsaxa. Those sons, Modi and Magni, are prophesied to survive Ragnarok.   Dogma Thor’s cult believes that the measure of a person lies in how that person faces and handles challenges. The cult’s focus on self reliance and individuality often makes them the last to throw their support behind an endeavor, but it also makes them first to congratulate the successful, member and nonmember alike. Those who succeed without the cult’s aid often find the cult singing their praises loudest. The cult also teaches that violent storms are a necessity, since they sweep aside weak structures and wash away detritus. The destruction of a big storm can reveal new resources. In battle, physical prowess is foremost, and Thor’s cult often challenges Sif ’s cult to mock battles and other contests in the neverending argument of power versus skill.   Nothing challenges people like combat, according to the cult, so it promotes military readiness and encourages its members to seek martial training of all sorts. Thor’s cult is popular among soldiers, and communities welcome the cult for its strong role in local defenses.   Clergy and Temples Thor’s clergy are most likely seen wearing armor and carrying warhammers. They often patrol their communities, on the alert for any threat. Their earthy natures and straightforward demeanor make them popular with the common folk. Half-orcs often find acceptance in human communities as Thor’s clerics.   Like Odin’s temples, the interiors of Thor’s temples are raucous places where beer, mead, and ale flow freely, hot food is plentiful, and physical challenges are constant entertainment. Also like Odin’s temples, Thor’s temples quickly transform into sturdy forts. They generally contain an armory, a bell tower for sounding local alarms, and when they don’t contain a smithy, there’s generally one nearby. Rooms are set aside for quiet offerings to appease and pray for Thor to moderate his storms. Thor’s temples are common in mountainous regions, shared between human and dwarf communities.   Parishioners greet visitors to Thor’s temples by challenging them to a drinking contest, a foot race, or a wrestling match. Greetings are always boisterous, and many visitors find the noise and confusion daunting. Both clergy and faithful are quick to respond if visitors bring news of threats to the community.

Divine Domains

Greater Deity Home Plane: Asgard Alignment: Chaotic good Portfolio: Storms, thunder, war Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, paladins, rangers, farmers and other commoners, dwarves, half-orcs Cleric Alignments: CG, CN, NG Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Strength, War, Weather Favored Weapon:Warhammer

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Divine Classification


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