The Northern Peoples

The northern peoples populate the Myrkviðr Forest, the Jotunheimen Range and the Varangian Steppes of the northern continent.   The humans have integrated and interbred with some of the native peoples, including the Goliaths of the Jotunheimen Range.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Hrafnhild Audhild Ragna
Ingunn Sigrunn Ulfheid
Sigvor Luta Geirlaug
Alfeid Hrafnhild Audhild
Ragna Ingunn Sigrunn
Ulfheid Sigvor Luta
Geirlaug Alfeid Kjotvi
Gylfi Bræsi Asgeir
Birning Eystein Iri
Yngvar Hrok Kjallak

Masculine names

Hallfrid Sigbjorn Sigelac
Gavtvid Gilli Thorkel
Biorn Thorstar Hjorleif
Cnut Hialti Sigeweard
Arinbjorn Hjor Hreitharr
Askel Kadal Steinmod
Gæirmund Veturlidi Bjorgulf
Helgi Knútr Ærnmund
Skeggi Raudebjorn Gilli
Sigehere Sven Gylfi

Family names

Andvettdottir Asketillsson Atlisson
Blannsson Birningsson Bardidottir
Bolverkdottir Dagfinndottir Edgardottir
Fridgeirsson Geirfinnsson Giermundsson
Gizursson Grindsson Gullisson
Gunnarsson Gunnkelsson Hareksson
Hælgisson Holmgavtsson Holmstæinsson
Hoskuldsson Hreidarsson Hringsson
Hrodisson Ingjaldsson Isidottir
Jarlabankisson Jobjornsson Jokulsson
Käresson Kætilfastsson Karlisson
Ketilbjornsson Kollskeggdottir Kotkelldottir
Krakidottir Leidolfsson Øpirsson
Orlygsson Ornolfsson Sigbjornsson
Sigegarsson Sinfiotlidottir Steinmodsson
Stufsson Thialfisson Thidrandisson
Thorkelsson Tumisson
Encompassed species
Languages spoken


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