Daimen's world lies in ruins-his clan decimated; his parents brutally slain by the tyrannical Emperor Aelon. Consumed by grief and driven by a burning desire for vengeance, Daimen journeys to Ceiala. There, after a mission spirals into chaos, he inherits the...
Layla is a young elf on the search for her father's murderer. Olyvia is an experienced killer on the search for her sister's killer. Their paths intersect on a dark, rainy night and lead to a cascade of new questions, including the ultimate question; what...
Join the Adventures of Twilight Sparkle in a gritty retelling of the much beloved childrens story and series MLP. Explore a similar story told in a way more befitting of adult audience. Explore new Locations, learn new stories, witness new characters and events....
Ramona Pohl, a newly ascended Touched in the service of the Church of the Saviour is sent to the Tarran Kingdom, a country torn in a civil war, to assist a higher ranking Touched in training novices of the order.
Cover image by Marc Pascual from Pixabay...
Follows some not-so-good characters as they try to navigate through crazy surreal situations while dealing with some very real problems in a crime-filled city ruled by violent gangs. The city will either swallow them whole while they try to live honestly...
Aliens invaded Earth and established a puppet government. However, not every human is willing to accept this new reality. They fight for freedom. One of them is Sophie Mazur, a young woman who at the start of her adulthood lost her parents to the puppet government....
When having fun in the taverns of Hertal, Caspar Weinberg is approached by a strange man who tells him about the impending forces of darkness. He tells Caspar to go to the Tower of Light and get the Sword of Erendriel, a magical weapon that belonged to an...