The History of Akadimía so far
The primary missing civilization at the start of the setting are the ancient powerful beings and their kin that participated in the Great War.
The second missing civilization are many of the native populations, such as the Lizardmen, Kobolds, etc. that withdrew following the arrival of the younger races.
The third missing civilization is the most advanced of the early tribes that arrived, having left to the western continent or parts unknown.
Current Species & Cultures
There are a diverse set of humanoid races, including many who carry the bloodlines of the ancient beings and their kin. Dragon Scions, Elemental Scions, Nymph Scions are uncommon, but present throughout the more tolerant areas.
There are unique elements such as goliaths, merpeople and tritons, tabaxi and others that are uncommon but occasionally found across the region. They are treated with wonder and sometimes derision depending on the culture.
And not visible, but still present are the more traditional fantasy roleplaying elements of dragons, giants, elementals. Devils and Demons, Angels and other Celestials, and other elements like Modrons aren't included in the intial concept - the seal on the world keeps them out. Where they may exist on the world was because they were trapped as the world was sealed, and are isolated individuals not major societies.
Needs & Relations
The empire of humans needs access to a broader base of resources, and seeks to homogenize the world.
The drakonian league is largely content to squabble amongst itself, though some seek dominance across the entire league rather being happy with just the politics local to a city-state.
The norsemen also seek power amongst themselves, but are also grappling with the new God introduced by the human empire, whether they maintain their tribal identity or form a more kingdom like entity, and whether they should integrate or oppose the empire.
The ancient races seek peace and non-violence and have largely withdrawn from the world. They want to avoid being drawn back into the conflicts of men, but may need to re-emerge from their hiding or risk anhiallation from the growing power of their adversary.