

The Laws of Akadimía

See Introduction to the Akadimía, Historical context and cultural references as well as the Codex describing the physical world of Zihaet.


The creation of the world is a largely standard scientific formation of a unique, habitable planet in a starsystem differing form earth. The unique twist comes when large chunks of bronze-age societies are transported to this new world, intermixing with its fantastic native inhabitants and other powerful ancient beings that participated in the Great War.

Principal Geography & Features

The area has a bit of a mediterranean feel. Three large continents and one major island chain surround a rough, but navigable sea. The islands lie on a large, volcanic chain similar to a ring of fire, while the western half of the norther continent is heavily wooded and almost Scandinavian, while the eastern half of the continent is a more traditional asiatic steppe and european alpine area. The eastern continent provides an amazon like wetlands environment, and the western continent remains unexplored.

Initial Active Setting

The initial storytelling scale should start be of students struggling to get through an academic setting. The scope then expands to the larger inner-family and inter-family conflicts within the island chain, as well as their homelands. The scope then expands to the inter-polity conflicts and inter-organizational contents that span their tribes/families, and then finally raise to global and cosmic.   Any sense of interplanar beings or multiple worlds is precluded because of the unique setup, and their introduction should be end-game only.

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