Peoples, Cultures and Religions Inspirations in Akadimía | World Anvil

Peoples, Cultures and Religions Inspirations

Drákos Tribes

The most diverse set of inspirations are the Drákos tribes. These tribes represent the majority of the mediteranean civilizations that migrated to Zihæt. They also represent some of the civilizations that have undergone the most interbreeding between native humanoids and younger races, resulting both in a strain of the population with characteristics of both (e.g. Scions), and an overall dilution of bloodline magic capabilities (see more below) in the reuslting populations.   Primary tribes. Eight of the ten tribes are based largely on classical greek civilizations -- Mycenean, Ionic and Doric. This impacts the development of their population centers, systems of governments, and value systems. In our case we've chosen to represent these populations as a league of city-states with direct democracies. It also means that these populations haven historically taken slavery and indenture for granted, and are now struggling with that legacy.   Monoculture tribes. Two of the tribes declined ot integrate with the native populations. These human-centric tribes both developed contentious relationships with the other tribes, and have either disappeared or were exiled from the Island homes.   The Persópoulos Tribe represents the remnants of the middle-eastern and central asian tribes that were impacted by the bronze age collapse. These include Middle Assyrian, Babylonian and Hittite empires. They develop the first monotheistic religion on Zihæt, and demonstrate a rigidly heirarchical structure. But they also bring with them a sense of gender equality, and a respect for nature and creations of the Wise Lord.  

Holy Empire of Humanité

The Voulgarópoulos Tribe represents several tribes descended from the Indo-Europeans in the Balkans and northern Greece. Primarily modeled after the Thracians (before the classical period), this group remains separate and is subject to ridicule and aggression as barbarians.   After being exiled, this group is forced to evolve and blend with smaller northern tribes, eventually becoming the Holy Empire of Humanité. They begin as semi-nomadic tribes and develop into a Carolingian style empire. Their religious practices reject both the Greek Pantheon of the early Younger Races and the animistic religion adopted on Zihæt. Instead, with influence from a splinter sect of the Persopoulos tribe, they become the foundation for the first monotheistic Empire.  

Northern Tribes

The Northern Tribes (or Northern Peoples) draw from the Nordic Bronze Age cultures. These cultures were known to maintain trade with the Mycenean Greek civilizations, and as such, have included them in the Younger Races.   Our goal is for these cultures to recall 8th-10th century Viking culture (with its impact on Western Europe and Eastern Europe). They bring with them a raiding culture, strong tribes, and martial prowess. They also bring with them a legacy of agriculture, trade, and metalwork.  

Venúék Empire

The most significant inspiration for the undersea Venúék Empire is the ancient Chinese dynasties of Earth. Other early bronze-age and iron-age empires also provide flavor.  

Fictional Religions

Akadimía does not use any historical or current religion directly. Instead, the development patterns of our historical beliefs, in general, guide the religious organization in Zihæt. While there are necessary analogs (e.g., re-use of names from Norse and Greek legend), they reflect the syncretism of spiritual beliefs and some degree of practice at the time of migration blended with the existing reverence (borderline worship) of ancient creatures already found on Zihæt.   This construct allows us to explore facets of religion (such as paganism/polytheism versus monotheism) and its interaction with society without any particular historical or current religion's stereotypes or sensitivities.   No contemporary religion or analog exists in any form in Akadimía or on Zihæt.  

The Adversary

The Morningstar represents the primary "Adversary" as defined by our narrators, the Order of Akadimía. The stories inspired by characters in the roleplaying campaign and entries in the Codex will take this perspective.  

Drákos Tribes

One significant departure given the absence of the traditional Greek gods has been the absence of traditional Greek religion. The transplanted peoples began to map their concepts of the old gods onto the mighty ancient creatures of Zihæt that led the war effort. As many of these creatures were able to shapeshift into humans, it was a quick transition. As these were now recognized as mortal beings, a different form of spirituality emerged. This new spirituality is more animistic (and less anthropomorphic). I've modeled this replacement spirituality after Shinto.  

Persópoulos Tribe

I'm taking artistic license and assuming Zoroaster / Zarathustra was a contemporary of the bronze age collapse. The dates of his birth vary widely. Scholars speculate that the earliest reasonable dates would be similar in age to the Rig Veda (the oldest texts of any other Indo-Iranian language, ca. 1700–1500 BCE the latest would be during the rule of Cyrus the Great, founder of the Persian Achaemenid Empire (600–530 BCE). I'm choosing approximately 1210BCE and allowing the potential that he migrated with the refugees and played a significant advisory role in the new tribe. This would lead to a more direct hand in forming the world view.   This would lead to a more direct hand in forming the world view. I intend the framework for the great war to be well aligned with his traditional world view. This includes the basis for the tribal religion, very loosely based on Zoroastrianism. The references to Zoroastrianism are placeholders. The intent is to lift the flavors and framing elements from Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu but not its specific individuals or tenents. Much of the tenants are adapted for suitability to Zihæt as their new home, and nothing implies that modern Zoroastrianism reflects in any form what is outlined here.   In this religion, The Morningstar fulfills the role of the Adversary for the Persópoulos Tribe. He will be the central figure in their apocalyptic beliefs.  

Voulgarópoulos Tribe and Holy Empire of Humanité

The Empire's religion began with the Voulgarópoulos's rejection of their original polytheistic beliefs and the Drákos religions. They were later influenced by a breakaway sect of the Persópoulos Faith introducing the concept of a single supreme being. Seeing the technological and martial prowess, the Voulgaropoulos began to champion the single supreme being that they collectively referred to as "God." As the language of the humans evolved, this became Dieu.   Being forced into exile on the Northern Continent further evolved religious thought within the tribe. A strong apocalyptic viewpoint developed where their God (Dieu) would strike down the oppressors and restore them to their rightful leadership.   On the other hand, the characters originating in the Empire will have a different view of the Adversary. They view Dieu as the only Deity or perhaps even messianic figure that opposes this Adversary described in their apocalyptic beliefs. It has also served to reverse the direction of discrimination. In the past, the Voulgaropoulos Tribe was referred to as the heathens or the barbarians. Now, the priests of Dieu have channeled the years of exile and persecution to preach instead that their people are the chosen ones of Dieu and that it is their responsibility to enlighten (and convert) the heathens.   In this world view, the ancient races and bloodline magic are the threat to Dieu's world (The Adversary), and it is they which will bring about the end of the physical world before they are restored to their rightful place in the kingdom of Dieu.  

The Northern Peoples

The apocalyptic legend of Ragnarok can be syncretized with both the Empire and Drákonic tribe beliefs. Depending on which perspective is taken, Dieu could be causing or preventing it.  
Perspective is everything.

Ancient Beings and Native Humanoids

Ancient Beings are the powerful creatures who fought against The Morningstar in The Great War. These beings -- and for the Codex, the Narrators -- have drawn the opposite conclusion to the Holy Empire of Humanité. They believe The Morningstar has assumed the role of Dieu for the Holy Empire of Humanité and the L'église universelle, with the motive of manipulating the peoples of Zihæt, reprising his acts in The Great War.


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