The Drákos people believe themselves to be the ancestors of the ancient mythical dragons and elemental lords of the past. In the ancient past, these beings were worshiped as gods, with the local populations serving as advisors, entertainers, and servants. Several cults exist that maintain the gods of the past still walk Zihæt.
According to legend, the Drákos people were taught to read and write in order to better serve the gods. And to this day literacy is a civic duty within the Drákon League.
The Drákos are a very ethnically diverse peoples. According to legends the early servants of the gods were elves, but in the past two millenia through migration from the northern continent and the Drákos propensity of interbreding, the features of most islanders are predominantly human with notable beast-kin exception.
The tribes expanded across the Dragonshome Islands in response to the population pressures on food and land. During this expansionary period, the strictly heirarchical culture began to develop a common ethos of egalitarianism. All of the settlers were equally accountable for the safety and propsperity of the new settlements.
Similarly, as new city-states emerged as part of the migration, the need for currency to support trade between city-states emerges approximately 1000 yars ago. Originally minted by the aristocracy, the demos (the people) were able to engage in commerce and profit from it.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Sometimes known as Draconic, the ancient language is used across the Drákon League as the official language.
Common female names
Achaia | Achradina | Actaëe | Actë | Ada | Adeia |
Aedon | Aegiolea | Aegle | Aerope | Aethre | Agamede |
Aganippe | Agape | Agapia | Agarista | Agathé | Agathonice |
Agave | Aglaia | Aglaurus | Aikaterine | Aithra | Aketa |
Alcandre | Alcestis | Alcippe | Alcmene | Alcyone | Alemene |
Alkmena | Althaea | Althaia | Althea | Amarhyllis | Amathea |
Amatheia | Amphithoe | Amphitrite | Ampinomene | Amplias | Anais |
Anastasia | Andromeda | Antehe | Anteia | Antheia | Anthousa |
Anthusa | Anticleia | Antigone | Antiochis | Antiope | Anysia |
Appollonia | Apseudes | Arete | Arethusa | Argeia | Ariadne |
Arisbe | Aristonike | Aristophane | Arsinoe | Artemidora | Artemisia |
Aspasia | Astera | Astyoche | Astyocheia | Atalanta | Atë |
Athis | Auge | Augo | Autonoe | Auxesia | Axiothea |
Barbara | Basiane | Baucis | Berenike | Bito | Briseis Thálassopoulos |
Caenis | Caleope | Callianeira | Callianessa | Calliphana | Calypso |
Canace | Castianiera | Charis | Chione | Chiore | Chloë |
Chloris | Chryse | Chryseis | Chrysothemis | Cilissa | Cilla |
Circe | Clio | Clymene | Clymere | Colubra | Corythia |
Cratais | Creusa | Crisa | Ctimene | Cybele | Cydippe |
Cymodoce | Cymothoe | Cyrene | Cythereia | Cytheris | Damaris |
Damia | Danaë Thálassopoulos | Deianeira | Deineira | Deiphobe | Deipyle |
Delias | Demetria | Demophile | Dexamene | Dianeme | Diomede |
Dione | Dirce | Doris | Dorothea | Doto | Drosis |
Dynamene | Egeria | Egina | Eidothee | Eileithyia | Elcmene |
Electra | Elpir | Endeis | Enyo | Eos | Epicaste |
Eriboea | Erigone | Eriopis | Eriphyle | Eris | Eucarpia |
Eudokia | Eunice Aérasopoulos | Euodias | Euphro | Euphrosyne | Europa |
Eurycleia | Eurydike | Eurynome | Evadne | Galatea | Glauce |
Glyke | Gorgo | Gygaea | Haidee | Halie | Harmodias |
Harmonia | Hecuba | Hekabe | Hekaline | Hekate | Helice |
Helike | Heliodora | Hellanike | Helle | Hermine | Hermione Aérasopoulos |
Hero | Herophile | Hesione | Hestia Pétropoulos | Hilaera | Hippodamia |
Hippolyta Megalos | Hypsipyle | Hyrmina | Iaera | Ianeira | Ianessa |
Ianthe | Ino | Iola | Iolanthe | Iole | Iomene |
Ione | Iphianassa | Iphigenia | Iphimedeia | Iphis | Iphitheme |
Irene | Iris | Isadora | Ismene | Issa | Jocasta |
Kallisto | Kallixeina | Kassandra | Katana | Katina | Kephissa |
Kharmion | Khlöe | Khloris | Kleio | Kleopatra | Klymene |
Klytemnestra | Koré | Koritto | Kydilla | Kynna | Kynthia |
Kypris | Kyra | Labda | Lais | Lalage | Lampetie |
Lampito | Lanike | Laodameia | Laodamia | Laodice | Laothoe |
Lasthena | Latona | Leda | Lede | Leto | Leucothea |
Leucothoë | Limnoreia | Lois | Lyra | Maeonia | Maera |
Maia | Maiandria | Marpessa | Medea | Medesicaste | Megaera |
Megara | Megare | Melanie | Melantho | Melissa | Melita |
Melite | Menelaia | Merope | Metis | Metriche | Milo |
Milto | Molpadia | Monima | Monime | Mykale | Myrine |
Nausicaa | Neaera | Nemerte | Nephele | Nesaea | Nicopolis |
Nikaia | Nikasepolis | Niko | Niobe | Nysa | Oenone |
Oitane | Olympias | Omphale | Oreithuia | Oreithyia | Orithyia |
Orthia | Otonia | Pales | Panope | Panora | Parthenia |
Parthenope | Pasiphae | Pelopia | Penelope | Penthesilea | Percalus |
Perialla | Periboea | Pero | Perse | Persephone | Persis |
Pervica | Pervinca | Phaedra Meletitís | Phaedre | Phaethusa | Phaia |
Pherenike | Pherusa | Phigaleia | Philea | Philinna | Philomache |
Philomela | Philona | Phoebe | Phryne | Phylace | Phylia |
Phyllis | Phylo | Phylomedusa | Podarge | Polycaste | Polydamna |
Polydora | Polymede | Polyxena | Procne | Procris | Prone |
Proto | Protogonia | Psamathe | Psyche | Pylia | Pyrrha |
Pythias | Raisa | Rhea | Rhene | Rhoda | Rhode |
Rhodope | Roxane | Sappho | Scylla Thàlassopoulos | Sebasteia | Semele |
Sophia | Sotera | Speio | Stheneboea | Stratonice | Tecmessa |
Telephassa | Thais | Thalassa | Thaleia | Theano | Thebe |
Thelma | Themis | Theodotis | Theophane | Theophania | Theophano |
Theresa | Thessala | Thessalonike | Thetis | Thisbe | Thoë |
Thoösa | Thyia | Timandra | Timo | Tryphena | Tryphosa |
Tyro | Xanthe | Xanthippe | Xantippe | Xene | Xenophile |
Zenobia | Zita | Zoe Meletitís |
Masculine names
Common male names
Abantes | Abas | Abascantus | Abderos | Aberkios | Ablerus |
Abreas | Abronychus | Abydos | Acaeus | Acamus | Acessamenus |
Acestes | Aclepiades | Acrisias | Acrisius | Acroneos | Actor |
Adeimanthos | Adelphius | Admetos | Adrastos | Adrastus | Adrestus |
Aeaces | Aegaeon | Aegicoros | Aegisthes | Aegon | Aeimnestos |
Aenesidemos | Aeolus | Aeropus | Aeschreas | Aesculapius | Aesepus |
Aeson | Aesop | Aetes | Aethon | Aetion | Aetios |
Aetolos | Agamedes | Agamemnon | Agapenor | Agapias | Agastrophos |
Agathocles | Agathon | Agelaus | Agenor | Agesilaus | Agetos |
Agis | Agrias | Aiantes | Aias | Aigeus | Airopos |
Aischylos | Akadios | Akamas | Aktis | Aktor | Alastor |
Alcaeos | Alcandros | Alcides | Alcimos | Alcinous | Alcmaion |
Alcman | Alcon | Alector | Alektryon | Aleuas | Alexandros |
Alexarchos | Alexias | Alexis | Alexon | Alkamenos | Alkestis |
Alketas | Alkibiades | Alkides | Alkimachos | Alkiphron | Alkmaion |
Aloeus | Alphaeus | Alpheos | Alphesiboeus | Alphios | Altes |
Alypius | Amarinceus | Ameinias | Ameinokles | Amiantos | Amompharetos |
Amopaon | Amphiaraos | Amphidamos | Amphimachos | Amphimnestus | Amphinomous |
Amphion | Amphios | Amphitrion | Amyntas | Amyntor | Amyris |
Amythaon | Anabesineos | Anacharsis | Anakletos | Anakreon | Anastasios |
Anaxagoras | Anaxandridas | Anaxandrides | Anaxandros | Anaxarchos | Anaxilaus |
Anaximander | Anaximenes | Anaxis | Anaxos | Anchialus | Anchimolios |
Anchises | Ancus | Andokides | Andraemon | Andreas | Androbulos |
Androcles | Androdamos | Androgeus | Aneristos | Aniketos | Anisodoros |
Antaeus | Antagoras | Antemion | Antenor | Anthemion | Antichares |
Antidoros | Antigenes | Antigonos | Antikles | Antilochus | Antinous |
Antiochus | Antipatris | Antipatros | Antiphales | Antiphones | Antiphus |
Antisthenes | Anytos | Anytus | Apelles | Apellicon | Aphidnos |
Apisaon | Apollodoros | Apollophanes | Apollos | Aratus | Arcas |
Arcesilaus | Archagoras | Archelaos | Archeptolemus | Archesilaus | Archestratidas |
Archilochus | Archytas | Arcidamus | Arcturus | Areilycus | Areisius |
Areithous | Argades | Argaeus | Argos | Aridolis | Arion |
Ariphron | Aristaeus | Aristagoras | Aristaios | Aristandros | Aristarchos |
Aristarchus | Aristides | Aristion | Aristippus | Aristoboulos | Aristobulus |
Aristocles | Aristocypros | Aristodemos | Aristogeiton | Aristomachos | Ariston |
Aristonous | Aristonymos | Aristophanes | Aristophantes | Aristos | Aristotles |
Aristoxenus | Arrabaios | Arridaios | Arsenios | Artemas | Artemidoros |
Artemios | Artemisthenes | Arybbas | Asasthenes | Ascalaphus | Ascanius |
Aschines | Asius | Asklepios | Asonides | Asopodoros | Asopus |
Asphalion | Assaraeus | Astacos | Aster | Asterion | Asteropaeus |
Astrabacus | Astyanax | Athamas | Athenades | Athenaeus | Athenion |
Athenodorus | Atiphates | Atreus | Atrometos | Attaginas | Attaginos |
Attalos | Atymnius | Atys | Audax | Augias | Auletes |
Autesion | Autodikos | Autolycus | Autolykos | Automedon | Autonous |
Axylus | Azeus | Bacchides | Bacchios | Bacchylides | Bacenor |
Bacis | Baerius | Balius | Barates | Bardas | Basileides |
Basileios | Basilides | Bathyaes | Belos | Bendis | Bianor |
Bias | Bion | Bisaltes | Biton | Blathyllos | Boethus |
Borus | Boter | Briareus | Briarus | Brison | Brygos |
Bucoli | Bulis | Burrhus | Butacidas | Callimachus | Callimorphus |
Carenos | Carneades | Carpophorus | Carpus | Casambus | Castor |
Ceas | Cebriones | Celeas | Cephalos | Cepheus | Cephissos |
Ceyx | Chabrias | Chaeremon | Chairophon | Chalcodon | Chalcon |
Charax | Chares | Charidemos | Charilaus | Charillos | Charmides |
Charon | Charopos | Cheiron | Chersis | Chileos | Chilon |
Choerilos | Choeros | Chremes | Chremon | Chremonides | Chromis |
Chromius | Chrysaor | Chryses | Chrysippos | Chrysogones | Chrysogonus |
Chrysolorus | Cilix | Cineas | Cinyras | Cisses | Cisseus |
Cleades | Cleandros | Cleathes | Cleisthenes | Cleobulus | Cleodaeos |
Cleombrotos | Cleomenes | Cleon | Cleonicus | Cleonymus | Clinias |
Clisthenes | Clonius | Clytius | Clytomedes | Cnoethos | Cobon |
Codros | Coenus | Coeranus | Coes | Cois | Conon |
Cöon | Copreus | Cordylion | Coronos | Corydallos | Corydon |
Crathis | Cratinus | Cratippus | Cretheus | Crethon | Cretines |
Crios | Croesus | Cronos | Cteatus | Ctesippus | Cuphagoras |
Cyberniskos | Cycnus | Cylon | Cynaegiros | Cyncus | Cyneas |
Cyniscus | Cypselos | Cyrenios | Cytorissos | Dadaces | Daedalos |
Daetor | Damasippus | Damasithymos | Damasos | Damastor | Damian |
Damianos | Damiskos | Damoetas | Damon | Danaos | Danaus |
Daphis | Daphnis | Dardanus | Dares | Davos | Deinias |
Deinokrates | Deinomenes | Deiotones | Deiphobus | Deiphonous | Deipylus |
Demades | Demaratos | Demarmenos | Demas | Demeas | Demetrios |
Democedes | Democoön | Demodocus | Demokrates | Demoleon | Demonax |
Demonous | Demophlos | Demosthenes | Deon | Derkylos | Deukalion |
Dexicos | Dexios | Diactorides | Diadromes | Diadumenus | Diagoras |
Dicaeus | Dieneces | Diocles | Diodoros | Diodorus | Diokles |
Diomedes | Dionysios | Dionysophanes | Dionysos | Diophantus | Diores |
Dioscuros | Diotrephes | Dismas | Dithyrambos | Dmetor | Dolon |
Dolops | Doreios | Doreius | Dorian | Doriskos | Doros |
Dorotheus | Doryssos | Dosithios | Drimylos | Dromeus | Dryas |
Dryops | Ducetius | Duris | Dymas | Dymnos | Echëeus |
Echekrates | Echelaos | Echemmon | Echemus | Echephron | Echepolus |
Echestratos | Eetion | Eioneus | Eirenaios | Elasus | Elatos |
Elatreus | Eleon | Elephenor | Elpenor | Elpides | Elpidius |
Empedocles | Endios | Endymion Aérasopoulos | Engenes | Eniopus | Ennaeus |
Ennomus | Ennychus | Enops | Eos | Epaenetus | Epaphos |
Epaphroditus | Epeigeus | Epeius | Ephialtes | Epicurus | Epicydes |
Epikrates | Epimenes | Epiphanes | Epistor | Epistrophos | Epitrophos |
Epizelos | Erasistratus | Eratosthenes | Eratostheres | Erechtheus | Eretmenus |
Ereuthalion | Erginus | Ergiyios | Erichthonius | Erxandros | Eryalus |
Erysichton | Eryx | Eryximachos | Eteocles | Eteokles | Eteonous |
Euaemon | Eualcidas | Euanthes | Euarestos | Eubalus | Eubulus |
Eucarpus | Euchenor | Eucleides | Eudorus | Eudoxsus | Eudoxus |
Euenius | Euenor | Euenus | Eugammon | Eugenios | Eugenius |
Euhemenis | Euippus | Eukles | Eumaeus | Eumastas | Eumelus |
Eumenes | Eumneus | Eumolpus | Euneas | Euonomos | Eupalinus |
Euphenes | Euphorbos | Euphorion | Euphronios | Eupolos | Euripides |
Euryanax | Eurybates | Eurybiades | Eurycliedes | Eurydamus | Eurydemon |
Eurydemos | Euryhus | Eurykrates | Eurykratides | Euryleon | Eurylochos |
Eurymachos | Euryphon | Eurypylos | Eurystenes | Eurysthenes | Eurystheus |
Eurysthios | Eurythion | Eurytos | Eussorus | Euthydemos | Euthynos |
Eutropios | Eutuches | Eutychides | Eutychus | Evaenetos | Evagoras |
Evandros | Evanetus | Evelthon | Evenios | Evenus | Evios |
Exaduis | Exekias | Faenus | Galenus | Gallus | Ganymedes |
Gauanes | Geleon | Gelo | Gelon | Gennadios | Gerasimos |
Giorgius | Glaukias | Glaukos | Glycon | Gnipho | Gordias |
Gorgias | Gorgion | Gorgos | Gorgythion | Gregorius | Gryllus |
Gurgos | Gylippos | Gyras | Gyrtias | Haemon | Hagias |
Hagnon | Halisthertes | Halius | Harmatidas | Harmocydes | Harmodios |
Harmon | Harpagos | Harpalion | Harpalos | Harpocras | Hecataeus |
Hegesandros | Hegesistratos | Hegetoridas | Heirax | Heiron | Hektor |
Helenos | Helgesippos | Helicaon | Heliodorus | Helios | Helle |
Hephaestos | Herakleides | Herakleitos | Heraklides | Hermeias | Hermeros |
Hermippos | Hermogenes | Hermolaos | Hermolycus | Hermon | Hermotimos |
Hero | Herodes | Herodianus | Herodion | Heromenes | Hicetaon |
Hiero | Hieronymus | Hipparchos | Hipparinos | Hippasus | Hippias |
Hippocoön | Hippoklides | Hippokratides | Hippolytos | Hippomachos | Hippomenes |
Hippon | Hipponax | Hipponicus | Hipponous | Hippotas | Hippothous |
Hippotion | Hoiples | Homeros | Hyakinthos | Hylas | Hyllos |
Hyllus | Hypatius | Hypeirochus | Hypenor | Hyperenor | Hyperion |
Hypsenor | Hyrcanus | Hyrtacus | Hyrtius | Iakchos | Ialmenes |
Iambulus | Iamus | Iasos | Iatragoras | Iatrokles | Ibanolis |
Ibykos | Icarion | Icarius | Icarus | Idaeus | Idaios |
Idas | Idomeneus | Ilioneus | Illyrius | Ilus | Imbrasus |
Imbrius | Imbrus | Inachos | Inachus | Inaros | Iobates |
Iolaos | Iollas | Ion | Iphiclus | Iphicrates | Iphikrates |
Iphinous | Iphitos | Iphitus | Iros | Irus | Isagoras |
Isandros | Ischenous | Isidor | Isidoros | Ision | Ismaros |
Ismenios | Isocrates | Isodemos | Isokrates | Itheus | Itylus |
Itys | Kadmos | Kaenas | Kaeneus | Kalchas | Kalesius |
Kaletor | Kalliaros | Kallias | Kallikles | Kallikrates | Kallimachos |
Kallinicus | Kallinos | Kallipides | Kallipos | Kallisthenes | Kallon |
Kameirus | Kandaules | Kannadis | Kapaneus | Kapys | Karipos |
Karopophores | Kasos | Kassandros | Kaunos | Kebalinos | Kebes |
Kekrops | Keos | Kephalon | Kephalos | Kerameikos | Kerkyon |
Keteus | Kimon | Kirphis | Kittos | Kleitos | Kleobis |
Kleomenes | Koines | Koinos | Konon | Koragos | Korax |
Kosmas | Krantor | Krateros | Kreon | Krinippos | Kristos |
Kritias | Kritoboulos | Kritodemos | Kriton | Kroisos | Krokinos |
Ktesiphon | Kyknos | Kynaegeiros | Kyrillos | Kyrios | Kyros Megalos |
Labdacus | Labotas | Laertes | Lagos | Laios | Lamachos |
Lampo | Lampon | Lampus | Lamus | Laodamas | Laodocus |
Laogonus | Laomedon | Laphanes | Lasos | Lasthenes | Laureion |
Leagros | Leandros | Learchos | Leicritus | Leitus | Lemnus |
Leo | Leocedes | Leodes | Leon | Leonidas | Leonnatos |
Leontiades | Leontis | Leoprepes | Leotychides | Lethos | Leucippus |
Leukos | Lichas | Licymnios | Linus | Loxias | Lukos |
Lycaon | Lycaretos | Lycidas | Lycomedes | Lycophon | Lycophron |
Lycoris | Lycurgos | Lycus | Lydus | Lygdamis | Lykomedes |
Lykon | Lynceus | Lysagoras | Lysandros | Lysanios | Lysias |
Lysikles | Lysimachos | Lysippos | Lysippus | Lysis | Macar |
Macarias | Machaon | Maeon | Maiandrios | Makarios | Maleos |
Males | Mantes | Mantios | Marcion | Marnes | Maro |
Maron | Marsyas | Mastor | Matullus | Mausolos | Mecistes |
Mecistios | Medios | Medon | Medus | Megadates | Megakles |
Megakreon | Megapenthes | Megareus | Megasthenes | Megathenes | Meges |
Megistias | Meidias | Melampos | Melampus | Melanippos | Melanthios |
Melanthos | Melas | Meleagros | Melegros | Meles | Meliboeus |
Melicertes | Memnon | Menalcas | Menandros | Menares | Menekrates |
Menelaos | Menestas | Menesthes | Menesthios | Menexinos | Menoeces |
Menoitios | Mentes | Mentor | Meriones | Mermerus | Merops |
Mesaulius | Mesthles | Methodios | Metiochus | Meton | Metrobius |
Metron | Metrophanes | Meurius | Micythos | Midas | Midylos |
Mikkos | Mikon | Milanion | Miltiades | Minos | Misenus |
Mnasyllus | Mnesiphilos | Mnester | Mnesus | Moeris | Moliones |
Molpagoras | Monoecus | Monomachus | Mopsius | Mopsus | Morsimus |
Morys | Moschion | Mulius | Musaeus | Musaios | Mydon |
Mygdon | Myrsinus | Myrto | Mys | Narkissos | Nastes |
Naubolus | Naukles | Nausithous | Nauteus | Nearchos | Neleos |
Nelpus | Neokles | Neoptolemos | Neritos | Nestor | Niarchos |
Nicandros | Nicanor | Nicholas | Nicholaus | Nicias | Nicodromos |
Nicolaus | Nicomachos | Nicon | Nikandros | Nikanor | Nikasios |
Nikeratos | Nikias | Nikomachos | Nikomedes | Nilus | Nireus |
Nisos | Noemon | Nomion | Nothon | Numa | Nyctinus |
Nymphicus | Nymphodorus | Ocealus | Ochesius | Ochos | Ocytos |
Odaenathus | Odius | Odysseus Thàlassopoulos | Oeagnus | Oecleus | Oedipus |
Oenemaus | Oeneus | Oenomaus | Oenopion | Oenops | Oicles |
Oileas | Oliatos | Olus | Olympicus | Olympiodorus | Onamakritos |
Onesilos | Onesimos | Onesiphorus | Onetas | Onetor | Onias |
Onomastos | Ophelestes | Opites | Ops | Orcus | Orestes |
Oresus | Orges | Oribasius | Orion | Orius | Oroites |
Orpheus | Orsilochus | Orsiphantes | Orthaeus | Orythroneus | Otreus |
Otrynteus | Otus | Paeëon | Paios | Palaechthon | Palaemon |
Pallans | Pallas | Palmys | Pammon | Panaetios | Panaetius |
Panares | Pandaros | Pandion | Panionos | Panites | Pankratios |
Pantares | Panthous | Pantites | Paopeus | Paraebates | Paris |
Parmenides | Parmenion | Parthenopaeus | Pasion | Pataicos | Patrobas |
Patrobus | Patroclus | Patron | Pausanius | Pedaeus | Pedasus |
Pedocles | Peirithous | Peiros | Peisandros | Peithon | Pelagon |
Pelegon | Peleus | Pelias | Pelicles | Pelonus | Pelopidas |
Peneleos | Peneus | Pentheus | Penthylos | Peolpidas | Perdikkas |
Perdix | Periandros | Periclymenus | Perieeres | Perikles | Perimedes |
Perimos | Periphas | Periphetes | Periscus | Peritas | Periumus |
Peteos | Peukestes | Phaedo | Phaenippos | Phaeops | Phaestus |
Phaidon | Phaidriades | Phalanthus | Phalces | Phalinos | Phanagoras |
Phancis | Phanes | Phanias | Phantias | Pharnaces | Phausius |
Phegeus | Pheidias | Pheidippides | Pheidon | Phemius | Phereclus |
Pherecydes | Pheres | Pheronactus | Phidias | Phigaleios | Philagros |
Philaon | Phileas | Philemon | Philetor | Philiskos | Philistos |
Phillipos | Philocion | Philocrates | Philoctetes | Philocypros | Philoetius |
Philogus | Philokles | Philokrates | Philolaos | Philologus | Philomen |
Philomenes | Philometer | Philon | Philonikos | Philopoemon | Philostratos |
Philostratus | Philotas | Philotectes | Philoxenos | Philpoemon | Phineus |
Phintias | Phlaris | Phlegon | Phlios | Phoenix | Phoibus |
Phoinix | Phoitios | Phokas | Phokion | Phorbas | Phorcys |
Phormion | Phormos | Photius | Phrixus | Phrynichos | Phrynikos |
Phrynon | Phylacus | Phylas | Pidytes | Pigres | Pinder |
Pirithoos | Pisistratos | Pistias | Pittacos | Pittacus | Pittheus |
Pixodarus | Plades | Pleistarchos | Pleistos | Plutarch | Podaeleirus |
Podaleirus | Podalinus | Podarces | Podargos | Podaroes | Podes |
Poeas | Poecas | Poimen | Polemion | Poliadas | Pollio |
Polyas | Polybius | Polyctor | Polydectes | Polydeuces | Polydius |
Polydoros | Polyeides | Polygonus | Polykleitos | Polykles | Polykritos |
Polymedes | Polyneices | Polypemon | Polyperchon | Polyphemous | Polyphetes |
Polyphontes | Polypoetes | Polyxeinus | Ponteus | Porphyrios | Porphyrius |
Poseidon | Posides | Posidonios | Potamon | Pratinos | Praxilaus |
Praxis | Praxiteles | Praxites | Prexinos | Priam | Prinetadas |
Priskos | Procrustes | Proctus | Proetus | Prokles | Prokopios |
Prokrustes | Proreus | Protagoras | Protesilaus | Prothoenor | Prothous |
Protogenes | Protus | Proxenos | Prymneus | Prytanis | Ptolemaios |
Ptolomaeus | Pylades | Pylaemenes | Pylaeus | Pylartes | Pylas |
Pylenor | Pyris | Pyrrhus | Pythagoras | Pytheas | Pythes |
Pythios | Pythogenes | Radamanthos | Rhadamanthos | Rhesus | Rhexenor |
Ribes | Rizon Thálassopoulos | Sabas | Sabyllos | Salmoneus | Sarpedon |
Satyros | Scaios | Scamandius | Scamandrius | Schedius | Scylax |
Scyllias | Scythas | Sebastos | Seisames | Selagus | Seldomus |
Selepos | Seleukos | Sicinnos | Siculus | Silanos | Silenos |
Simmias | Simo | Simoisius | Simonides | Sinis | Sinon |
Sippas | Siromos | Sisyphus | Skiron | Smindyrides | Smintheus |
Socus | Sophanes | Sophokles | Soranus | Sosibios | Sosicles |
Sosigines | Sosilus | Sosimenes | Sosipatros | Sosthenes | Sostias |
Sostratos | Spertias | Speudon | Speusippos | Spinther | Spirodion |
Stachys | Stentor | Stesagoras | Stesanor | Stesilaus | Sthenelaus |
Sthenelus | Stichius | Stolos | Strabo | Strachys | Stratios |
Straton | Strophantes | Strophius | Strymon | Syagros | Syennesis |
Syloson | Synesius | Talaemenes | Talaos | Talaus | Talos |
Talthybios | Tarchon | Taureas | Tebaeus | Tecton | Teiresias |
Telamon | Telekles | Telemacho | Telemachos | Telemachus | Telephos |
Telephus | Telesinus | Telesphorus | Telines | Tellias | Tellis |
Telys | Temenos Megalos | Tenes | Tenes | Tenthredon | Tereus |
Terillos | Teucer | Teukros | Teutamos | Teuthranes | Teuthras |
Thales | Thalpius | Thalysios | Tharybis | Thaulos | Thaumastus |
Theagenes | Theages | Theas | Theasides | Themistius | Theoclymnius |
Theocydes | Theodekles | Theodoros | Theodotus | Theognis | Theomestor |
Theomestros | Theophanes | Theophrastos | Theophrastus | Theophylaktos | Theopompos |
Theopompus | Theopropides | Theoros | Theos Thálassopoulos | Theramenes | Therapon |
Theras | Thero | Theron | Thersandros | Therseandros | Thersilochus |
Thersites | Thessalos | Thestor | Thettalos | Thoas | Thon |
Thoön | Thorax | Thrasidaios | Thrasilaus | Thrasius | Thrasybulos |
Thrasyllus | Thrasymedes | Threspotus | Thukydides | Thyestes | Thymoetes |
Thymotes | Thyrsis | Thyrsos | Timagenidas | Timagoras | Timais |
Timanthes | Timasion | Timasitheus | Timesithius | Timnes | Timoleon |
Timon | Timonax | Timotheus | Timoxenos | Tiro | Tirynthius |
Tisamenos | Tisandros | Tisias | Tithonius | Titormos | Tityrus |
Tlepolemus | Tmolus | Trechus | Triopas | Triptolemus | Triton |
Troezenus | Trophimus | Trophnus | Tros | Trypho | Turrianus |
Tychaeus | Tydeides | Tydeus | Tymnes | Tyndareus | Tyndarios |
Ucalegon | Vettias | Xanthippos | Xanthippus | Xanthos | Xenagoras |
Xenokrates | Xenophanes | Xenophon | Xiphilinus | Xuthos | Xuthus |
Zagreus | Zamolxis | Zenicetes | Zenodoros | Zephyrinus | Zethus |
Zeuxidamos | Zeuxis | Zosimus |
Family names
From the late C5th BC, Athenian males were often identified by adding their father's name in the genitive case or that of their deme or tribe to their personal name. Foreigners also took the name of their town of country - Herodotus of Halicarnassus, the historian who lived in Athens. Nicknames were also common and could sometimes virtually supersede the original name. The philosopher 'Plato' was given this name which means 'broad' or 'wide' at the gymnasium and his own name, Aristocles after his grandfather, was hardly used.
Forms of names from older translations which are familiar in England are often being replaced by more phonetically correct versions. The ending '-dros' has been replaced by '-der' in English (Alexander for Alexandros) since medieval times. The hard 'k' sound has conventionally been written, and sometimes pronounced, as 'c' (Thucydides for Thukydides). Where a consonant preceded it, the '-os' ending was quite often dropped (Philip for Philippos). The final '-s' was not pronounced in names such as 'Krateros', hence the confusion over Alexander the Great's dying words - did he leave his kingdom to 'Krateros', his trusted soldier, or to 'kratisto', the strongest? The final '-n' is also dropped in some cases (Phaedo for Phaidon).
Shared customary codes and values
Trust of fellow citizens. Distrust of aristocrats or rulers.
Average technological level
The Drákonian people are amongst the most technologically sophisticated peoples of the Middle Sea region of Ziheat. Their advancements tend to blend relatively rare magic-based engineering techniques with elements that can be used by the common man.
Gender Ideals
Drákonian society is a very egalitarian society with a history of matrilineal succession.
Major organizations
Drákon League is the primary home of the Drákonian people.
From Tribes to Families
Over the course of history, the previously tribal peoples of the Dragonshome Islands have evolved into distinct families or Patrikios. While these are largely isolated to the various city-states of the Drákon League, there are some signs of shared or common lineage between families in each of the city-states.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations
Related Locations
Author's Notes
"The best identifier for ancient ethnicity is linguistic." -- Robert Garland.