Mathematics, Architecture and Engineering

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as artisans, architects, engineers or lead commercial endeavours.   This discipline covers topics such as:
  • Introductory material covering the application of scientific, magical and technological principles to society.
  • An exploration of mathematics including advanced arithmetic, geometry, probability and statistics.
  • The study of materials, including their identification, classification, usage, and disposal.
  • Creation of new materials, or embuing materials with new or novel properties through the use of magic, physical manipulation or chemical agents.
  • Concepts and application in the efficient design, production, sale and distribution of man-made artifacts
  • Concepts and application in the planning, designing, and construction buildings and other structures.
  • The application of magical effects to physical objects and spaces

Course Catalog

MAE 101: Introduction to Mathematics, Architecture and Engineering

This required introductory course surveys the topics covered in the discipline and provides the core skills necessary to complete advanced courses. This includes advanced arithmetic, geometry, probability and statistics. The survey of materials, including their identification, classification, usage, manipulation and disposal.   This course has both a lecture and individual project component.  

MAE 102: The History of Science and Technology

This course looks at the history of mathematics, architecture and engineering. The interrelationships between these disciplines are explored, along with the composability of various techniques.   This course has both a lecture component and individual project component.  

MAE 103: Introduction to Materials

This course evaluates the structure of commercial activity at a group, city-state and regional level. It looks at the requirements for ongoing commerce, and the legal codes necessary.   This course has both a lecture and a group project component.  

MAE 104: Introduction to Architecture

This course looks at the the definition of a civil society. It examines the role and impact of family identity, economic class, gender, political beliefs and other factors that impact a functioning society. The course explroes how the low can enable a properly functioning society and be used as levers for changes in societies.   This course has both a lecture and group project component.  

MAE 201: Physical and Magical Enhancement of Materials

This course is an advanced look into the tools and techniques used to physically and magically enhance materials. This includes the use of alloys or tempering in the creation of metals with different physical properties. The basics of embuing items with basic and advanced magical properties is also covered.   Students will be required to create several enhanced items in the course term.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

MAE 202: Magical Architecture and Engineering

This course is an advanced look into the concepts, techniques and problems in the application of magic to large scale architectural and engineering problems. Special attention is given to the effects of incorporation of enhanced materials on large systems. Other topics include the magical repair of structures and items, the incorporation of supernatural effects in physical systems, and the substitutability of magic for technology and manual processes.   Students will be require to design and implement a structure or system using novel material enhancements, and demonstrate its use.   This course has a lecture and group project component.  

MAE 203: Replication and Production Processes

This course is an in depth exploration of the production of magical and non-magical technology. Materials management, operational processes and quality control are discussed.   This course has a lecture and individual project component.  

MAE 204: Independent Project

This course can be used as an independent or individual exploration of a topic within the core area. Discussion with your advisor is required before selecting this course. This course can be taken more than once for credit, assuming the project area is different.  

Qualifications and Course Availability

Competence in writing, language, intermediate arithmetic and aptitude with Bloodline magic are required for this area of study.
Position Available   Notable Students
Vulcan Kendall


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