Leadership and Martial Studies

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on to be generals or hold high ranking civil offices within the city-states.   This discipline covers topics such as:
  • Introductory material covering the expectations of leadership, social pressures, and environmental factors contributing to effective leadership.
  • The history of conflicts at small group, tribal and city-state levels and applicability to modern conflicts.
  • Operational planning and leadership of civil societies.
  • Operational planning and leadership of martial forces.
  • Use of magic and technology in large scale combat.
  • Naval warfare, strategy and tactics
  • Land based warfare, strategy and tactics
  • Practical martial skills, including the training of others.

Course Catalog

LMS 101: Introduction to Leadership and Martial Studies

This required introductory course surveys the topics covered in the discipline and provides the core skills necessary to complete advanced courses.   This course has both a lecture and practical component.  

LMS 102: Leadership and the History of Conflict

This required course investigates multiple examples of each of the types of core major conflicts in the history of Zihæt, and the leadership lessons from these conflicts. Examples will include small group conflicts; family, tribal or organizational conflicts; and regional or national conflicts.   This course has both a lecture component and individual project component.  

LMS 103: Civil Leadership

This required course looks at the key concepts of leading civil organizations. This includes the needs of citizens and resident, and the obligations of leaders to fullfill those needs. It looks at the basic structures of different civil polities and discusses the pros and cons of these structures. A deep dive is given to the direct democracy used by city-states within the League.   This course has both a lecture and a group project component.  

LMS 104: Military Leadership

This course looks at the key concepts in leading martial organizations. This includes the various force structures, command structures and operations needs for forces in the field. The course explores the differing models for levying, training and maintaining armed forces, as well as the economics of their upkeep and deployment.   Students will explore practical applications of these skills in mock combat situations. This course has both a lecture and practical component.  

LMS 201: Land-based conflict

This course is an advanced look into the practical realities of leading land-based military conflicts.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

LMS 202: Naval and Aerial conflict

This course is an advanced look into the practical realities of leading non land-based military conflicts.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

LMS 203: Advanced Instructional Techniques

This course explores in detail the approaches, methods and standards for the training and improvement of civil and martial organizations. The concepts of individual versus group accountability are discussed, along with practical means of supporting change throughout the civil or unit structure.  

LMS 204: Independent Project

This course can be used as an independent or individual exploration of a topic within the core area. Discussion with your advisor is required before selecting this course. This course can be taken more than once for credit, assuming the project area is different.  

Qualifications and Course Availability

This area is often the most sought after of the core areas of study, and as a result enrollment is limited. This area of study requires strong reading and writing skills, arithmetic, and competency in Bloodline magic.
Position Available   Notable Students
Hestia Pétropoulos
Kallisto Megalos
Magnus Oddsson


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