Natural Philosophy

Students who select this area of study as their core concentration often go on as spiritual leaders, agricultural specialists, pastoral specialists, or leaders of related commercial endeavours.   This discipline covers topics such as:
  • Introductory material covering the structure of nature and the physical universe.
  • The relationship between the magical, spiritual and natural world.
  • The observation, classification and description of flora, fauna and other natural entities, and the composition of these entities into larger whole.
  • The understanding of the nature of natural entities.
  • The conjuration or summining, and the manipulation and control of these entities.
  • The lifecycle of natural entities, including natural and magical means of creation, repair and destruction
  • The cultivation, consumption, and conservation of natural entities.
  • The use of magic in service of divination, augury and other forms of pre-congition

Course Catalog

NAP 101: Introduction to Natural Philosophy

This required introductory course surveys the topics covered in the discipline and provides the core skills necessary to complete advanced courses. The course covers the structure of nature and the physical universe and the relationship between the magical, spiritual and natural world. Basics in the observation, classification and description of flora, fauna and other natural entities are discussed.   This course has both a lecture and practical component.  

NAP 102: Flora and Agriculture

This course investigates the origins and differing lifecycles of the flora of Zihæt. The course focuses on the flora native to the Dragonshome Islands, with a survey of other unique forms of flora across the Northern Continent and Eastern Continent. The course explores techniques the care, cultivation and breeding of domesticated fauna, and methods for controlling invasive or aggressive species.   This course has both a lecture component and individual project component.  

NAP 103: Fauna and Husbandry

This course investigates the origins and the differing lifecycles of the fauna of Zihæt. The course focuses on the fauna native to the Dragonshome Islands, with a survey of other unique forms of fauna across the Northern Continent and Eastern Continent. The course explores techniques the care, cultivation and breeding of domesticated flora, and methods for controlling invasive or aggressive species.   This course has both a lecture and a group project component.  

NAP 104: Interactions, Ecosystems and Climate

This course investigates the complex relationships between living things and their environment. Exploration of how ecosystems are formed, are sustained and collapse. The impact of humanoids, either natural or magical, on complex ecosystems.   The impact of weather and weather events on ecosystems and society. The diversity, structure and role of complex magical rituals on large areas, weather, and other regional and global phenomenon. The ethics of their use to improve productivity or prevent damage.   This course has both a lecture and group project component.  

NAP 201: The Taxonomy of Life

This course goes deeper into the observation, classification and description of flora, fauna and other natural entities, and the composition of these entities into larger whole. It focuses on the understanding of the nature of natural entities.   This course has both a lecture component and individual project component.  

NAP 202: Transmutation and Transformation

This course is an advanced look into the concepts, techniques and ethics behind the magical and technological manipulation of living things.   Students will gain hands on experience manipulating natural phenomenon such as fire, water, air, and earth. Students will also practice the direct manipulation of life in the service of healing, improving or otherwise modifying different species of flora and fauna.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

NAP 203: Conjuration, Abjuration and Enchantment

This course is an advanced look into the concepts, techniques and ethics behind the summoning, banishing and control of living things.   Students will gain hands on experience summoning bestial, spiritual, and elemental creatures. Students will also practice the direct restriction and control of these living things, and the best practices and ethics of such control.   This course has a lecture and practical component, with more emphasis on the experiential / practical components.  

NAP 204: Independent Project

This course can be used as an independent or individual exploration of a topic within the core area. Discussion with your advisor is required before selecting this course. This course can be taken more than once for credit, assuming the project area is different.  

Qualifications and Course Availability

Competence in writing, language and aptitude with Natural Magic are required for this area of study.
Position Available   Notable Students


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