Slavers Rod Item in Akadimía | World Anvil

Slavers Rod

I'd never heard such a roar of outrage, when the Morningstar disarmed his opponent sending the rod off in the distance. In a pique of frustration he killed several of his allies while the Morningstar withdrew. I'm not certain what the rod was, but I am absolutely I didn't want to be around its former wielder right then.  
Unknown participant in the great war
  This item hasn't been seen since shortly after the end of The Great War. Previously carried by one of the rulers of the nine hells, it was presumably lost in the final combat where The Morningstar was trapped in Zihæt.   Stories describe it as a 1m length ivory rod is ornately carved with images of slaves of all races chained and being punished. A large blue orb sits atop the rod amidst eagles wings and is described as pulsing faintly with magical light.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This rod allows the wielder to control up to 10 individuals.   The binding occurs simply by the wielder touching the target with the rod and uttering the command word. The individual must make a DC20 wisdom save or be enslaved to the wielder.   Once bound, the slaver can use sleep, detect thoughts, zone of truth and confusion on the target with no saving throw.   The binding can only be removed by the wielder using a separate command word, or with a DC 20 arcana check followed by casting Remove Curse at level 8 or higher. Also, if the rod loses attunement to its owner or is destroyed, those bound are free.

Manufacturing process

The process by which the Rod was made is unknown. It has never been duplicated.


This weapon was used in the great war to strip the Morningstar of several of his top lieutenants. When it was lost in the battle those minions could be freed to return to the Morningstar's side. It was only through sheer luck that the Morningstar was sealed before someone else attuned to the rod and freed them.   The weapon also played a key role in the the fall of the Persopoulos tribe.
Item type
Current Holder
Rod, legendary (reuqires attunement)
Raw materials & Components
A 1m length ivory rod is ornately carved with images of slaves of all races chained and being punished. A large blue orb sits atop the rod amidst eagles wings and pulsing faintly with magical light.


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