Knute the Younger

Killed onboard the Røyskatt near the Maelstrom by Cille Flokisdottir.   Knute the Younger was the brain behind the pair of Rollo the Bold's heirs. The firstborn heir had a limited shapeshifting ability, but little capacity for planning, forcing Rollo to rely on Knute the Younger for implementation of his military strategy.   It is strongly suspected that the brothers were the leaders of the destruction of the Direwolf Clan. Rumour has it it was Knute the Strong who strung up Jarl Floki Godwinsson as a Blood Eagle sacrifice. However, it was likely suggested by Knute the Younger.
Current Location
4681 4705 24 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed onboard the Røyskatt
Aligned Organization
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