Northern Continent

The Northern Continent spans the length of the north side of the Middle Sea. It is home to several Tribal Nations of Younger Races, as well as the Holy Empire of Humanité.   The diverse set of ecosystems across the northern continents support a wide range of agricultural and pastoral economies. The only source of significant mineral wealth is in the Jotunheimen Range, which is highly contested. The range is inaccessible to the Empire, a source of constant strife with their Rus neighbors.


Five main geographic regions compose the continents breadth.  

Myrkviðr Forest

The forest is a large swath of woods that spans from the western coast of the Northern Continent to the Western face of the Jotunheimen Range. The forest is home to the Norjord tribes.  

Jotunheimen Range

The northern mountain range that separates the Myrkviðr forest from the Varangian Steppes. The western face and high peaks are home to the elder tribes of the Norjord, where the eastern face is claimed by the Rus and several goblinoid tribes.  

Varangian Steppes

The steppes east of the Jotunheimen Range are wide grasslands. The steppes are home to a wide variety of domesticated and undomesticated herds, as well as a variety of canine and avian species. The Rus are the dominant force on the steppes.  


Burgandy is the home of several alpine valleys that span the central northern continent. This is the home of the L'église universelle and the College of Cardinals.  


Avignon is the home of the mediterranean (chaparrral) areas and plains of the eastern portion of the northern continent. This is the home of the Holy Empire of Humanité and the Knights of Humanité.

Natural Resources

The western portions of the continent are rich in high quality timber, fish and game reserves, and small precious metal deposits.   The only significant source of high quality metals is found in the Jotunheimen Range. Mining in this area is largely the province of the native races of Zihæt, and trade with the native human populations can be dangerous and unpredictable for both sides.   The eastern reaches of the continent are primarily low quality banded iron formations and low yield copper and tin deposits. The fertile soil of the eastern parts of the continent are an excellent agriculture and pastoral base.


The Northern Continent was home to many native species on Zihæt at the time of arrival of the Younger Races. Since that time it has come to be dominated by the The Northern Peoples and Humanité.   The period since the arrival of the younger races has been marked by nearly non-stop conflict. On the eastern side of the continent, the various Rus tribes fight small territorial wars over the grazing and agricultural lands of the continent. The Rus habitually raid the Holy Empire of Humanité, while the empire seeks to constantly expand and absorb the grazing lands of the Rus. Even within the western forests, tribes of Norjord vie for resources and dominance.
Included Organizations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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